The Courier & Advertiser (Angus and Dundee)

Government official accused of not providing credible evidence


An MSP has accused a senior government official of failing to provide “credible” evidence to a parliament­ary committee questionin­g the possible return of Scotland’s top police officer to active duty.

Chief Constable Phil Gormley was placed on special leave in September amid a probe into allegation­s of gross misconduct, which he denies.

Former justice minister Alex Neil questioned the director general of the Scottish Government’s justice department, Paul Johnston, on rumours that ex Scottish Police Authority (SPA) chairman Andrew Flanagan called for Mr Gormley to be reinstated.

Speaking at Holyrood’s Public Audit and Postlegisl­ative Scrutiny Committee, Mr Johnston said he would not comment on rumours and that he believed the investigat­ion is still ongoing.

He added: “There have been points at which (in recent weeks) that the view of the former chair was that it may have been suitable for the Chief Constable to return.”

He said the SPA board discussed this at a private board meeting and it was not on any agenda.

Mr Neil said: “You’re telling me that the SPA board, in discussing this item which is of absolutely top importance to the whole police service in Scotland, while we have an individual, the Chief Constable, on £210,000 a year presumably on full salary while he is on special leave – that that was not done at formal board meeting?”

Mr Johnston said he was not told of the outcome of the meeting and Mr Neil said he did not believe him, adding: “What you are saying is quite frankly not credible.”

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