The Courier & Advertiser (Angus and Dundee)

EU workers will still come


Sir, – If Councillor Ben Lawrie finds Kirstene Hair’s position on migrant labour perplexing (“Politics at odds with logistics”, Letters February 9) then it must be said that his position is misleading.

The mindset where nothing can be achieved without slavish observance of EU regulation­s is actually not followed in practice by Poland – an EU member where 1 million temporary workers from Ukraine (not an EU member) are currently employed.

Does Mr Lawrie (and presumably the Liberal Party) really believe that, after Brexit, the EU will actively try to prevent any migrant workers coming to Scotland, who wish to work in Scotland and whom we agree to provide employment for?

It’s time we freed ourselves from this claustroph­obic mindset where nothing can be achieved without the controllin­g hand of Brussels.

Migrant workers will choose the best deal for themselves and if we can offer good conditions competitiv­ely there is no reason whatsoever that post-brexit we can’t recruit suitable seasonal migrant labour to meet the demands of our industry.

Mr Lawrie must understand that we needn’t capitulate to the restrictiv­e practices of the EU.

Political point scoring won’t produce the solutions which can only be achieved by enterprisi­ng and innovative political actions after Brexit,

“Why should Scottish taxpayers subsidise the 6% of Scottish pupils who receive a superior education with better resources, results and outcomes in life than many of the 94% of the Scottish students who are in state schools?

which he and his party seem unable to offer. Iain G Richmond. Guildy House, Monikie.

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