The Courier & Advertiser (Angus and Dundee)

Funding boost for home safety in Arbroath West and Letham area


Angus Care and Repair has received a £5,000 boost from the New Mains of Guynd Solar Community Fund, which will be used in the Arbroath West and Letham area to promote home safety.

The organisati­on has been carrying out its Home Safety service for more than 20 years, advising people on issues such as fire, security, medicines, food, and accident prevention.

However, a spokespers­on for the organisati­on said it has had its funding cut by the Integrated Joint Board of Angus Council and NHS Tayside.

The spokespers­on said: “The Care and Repair home safety service highlights the need to take extra precaution­s to try to avoid slips, trips and accidents, and contribute­s to prevention of hospital admissions or medical interventi­on.

“Our officers can also make sure the equipment you use in the home is safe by testing portable electrical appliances.

“The home safety officer is a time-served and skilled joiner who can put right any potential faults or repairs at the time of the visit or can organise a follow-up visit to carry out the repairs.”

Angus Care and Repair chairman Jim Johnston said: “Angus Care and Repair was developed as a charity to assist older and disabled people to remain independen­t at home and to avoid inappropri­ate hospital admission or statutory care.

“This service has been a major success over the years and has brought over £750,000 of charitable funding over the years to supplement essential services over and above those commission­ed by Angus Council/angus IJB.”

Angus Care and Repair can be contacted on 01356 665170.

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