The Courier & Advertiser (Angus and Dundee)

Sturgeon would like Indyref2 next year


Nicola Sturgeon has been pressed on the timetable for holding both Scottish independen­ce and Brexit referendum­s next year.

The first minister has said she will request a Section 30 Order from Westminste­r by the end of this year to hold a second vote on independen­ce in 2020.

She has also given her support to having another referendum on Brexit, with an option to Remain on the ballot paper.

At First Minister’s Questions yesterday, Scottish Tory leader Jackson Carlaw asked Ms Sturgeon which vote would come first.

He said: “I’m just not sure the first minister has thought through her big double referendum promise.

“As she keeps telling us, she would ask Jeremy Corbyn for a referendum on independen­ce and demand it’s held next year.

“And we know too that she would support Mr Corbyn’s plan for a second Brexit referendum also to be held next year.

“Now first minister, clarify for me a simple question on timetablin­g – when is all this supposed to happen?”

Ms Sturgeon replied: “My priority – and I can’t believe Jackson Carlaw hasn’t actually cottoned on to this yet, he should maybe listen a bit more – my priority is to give the people of Scotland the opportunit­y to choose independen­ce next year and I look forward to delivering on that.”

Mr Carlaw also asked about the prospect of a “progressiv­e alliance” being formed in order to oust the Conservati­ves from government at Westminste­r.

He said: “Can the first minister explain how you can hope to form an alliance with the same people you’re planning to walk out on?”

The first minister said: “I think Jackson Carlaw’s probably confused himself with that question, as well as the rest of the population.”

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