The Courier & Advertiser (Angus and Dundee)

Is this the future Scotland really wants?


Sir, – The Conservati­ve government, throughout the Brexit referendum, and since, has been adamant that there will be no hard border between Great Britain and Northern Ireland: David Davis, Theresa May, Boris Johnson only a few months ago, all adamant that it would not happen .

Yet this week, calm as you like, no apology, de facto Deputy Prime Minister Michael Gove announced that there would be ‘inevitable’ border checks for ‘almost everybody’ who imports and exports from and to the EU from next year, including Northern Ireland.

He also said that it could take five years to get a smart border up and running, which means checks at every crossing, and massive disruption to cross border business.

What those in the know reckon is that this is just a step towards a no deal Brexit.

This will have huge repercussi­ons for the economy.

But it would free up the government to pursue their first choice solution which is a trade deal with the US.

American president Donald Trump has already made clear that this would mean acceptance of United States business practices, allowing United States medical companies into our NHS, shredding our food and agricultur­al standards, not to mention whatever is left of workers’ rights, and the destructio­n of the remnants of our public services in favour of private sector profit.

Our prime minister has already ensured, with the brutal ousting of his chancellor last week, that there will be no internal opposition to any of this.

With a majority of 80 seats in Westminste­r he can do just what he wants, and there is nobody to stop him.

The people of Scotland did not vote for Brexit, nor did they vote for this government.

Is this the future that the people of Scotland really want?

Les Mackay. 5 Carmichael Gardens, Dundee.

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