The Courier & Advertiser (Angus and Dundee)

Rangers to challenge ‘flawed’ SFA system


Stewart Robertson says Rangers are leading the charge to change Scottish football’s “flawed” disciplina­ry system.

The Ibrox managing director made the claims after confirming Rangers will appeal against fines issued over separate incidents against Celtic and Hibernian.

Robertson revealed he has been engaged in behind-the-scene attempts to force an overhaul after accusing the SFA’S independen­t judicial panel of denying Rangers “natural justice”.

Rangers were charged after Ryan Kent made an apparent gun gesture when scoring the opener in his side’s 2-1 derby win at Parkhead on December 29, while Alfredo Morelos attracted controvers­y when he drew his hand across his throat as he walked off following a stoppage-time red card.

This resulted in a £7,000 fine – with a further £3,000 suspended – before they were also cited over another flashpoint at Hibernian on December 20.

The Rangers bench clashed with home coaching staff during another stormy affair and the incidents have landed Rangers with fines totalling £15,000, with £5,000 suspended.

Robertson insists they will not let the matter lie. He told Rangerstv: “We’re extremely disappoint­ed. We’re going to appeal it.

“We have been disappoint­ed for quite some time in the way that the disciplina­ry process is working. We’ve been quite vocal in that.

“There’s also been a lot of lobbying going on in the background for changes and it’s good to see other clubs are joining in that campaign at the moment.

“There will be more to come out on that in due course but we will be appealing the fine.

“We’re extremely disappoint­ed in the fact it’s almost a double jeopardy. The player can be punished but the club can also be punished. That’s just not right.

“The basic rule that applies, or has been applied in this situation, we don’t feel is fair. There is no natural justice to that.

“We feel there are still severe flaws within the judicial process and we are in active discussion with the SFA to address that.”

 ??  ?? Stewart Robertson: Club unhappy over £15,000 fines.
Stewart Robertson: Club unhappy over £15,000 fines.

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