The Courier & Advertiser (Angus and Dundee)

Paedophile carried out sex act in car at school


A paedophile has been found guilty of carrying out a sex act in his car while he was parked near a school.

Adalbert Bredau was also found guilty by a jury of sexually assaulting a girl who he was looking after.

The girl said Bredau repeatedly exposed himself to her and gave her money after asking her to touch his genitals.

Perth Sheriff Court heard the abuse came to light after a passer-by spotted Bredau in his car performing a sex act as he overlooked a Perth primary school.

He was reported to police and claimed he had been taking a picture of himself to send to someone he had met online.

However, when investigat­ions were made it emerged that he had been sexually assaulting the girl since she was six or seven.

She said Bredau asked her to touch his private parts 10 or 11 times and she gave in just once.

In a police interview played to the jury, she said Bredau showed her a website selling sex toys and a video of a couple engaged in sex acts.

Bredau, 48, from Perth, was found guilty of sexually assaulting the girl on various occasions in the city between January 2015 and September last year. He was also found guilty of carrying out sexual acts in front of the girl.

The jury found him guilty of showing her indecent images between December 8 2017 and September 21 2019 and convicted him for exposing himself in a car in September 2019, and carrying out a sex act near a school on October 4.

Sheriff William Wood deferred sentence, Bredau was remanded in custody and placed on the sex offenders register.

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