The Courier & Advertiser (Angus and Dundee)

Forfar man punched 72-year-old fellow drinker in pub bust-up


A Forfar drinker who punched a pensioner in a pub bust-up is facing the prospect of an electronic tag.

Robert Carnegie and his 72-year-old victim had been chatting amicably in the Victoria Bar after meeting during separate drinking sessions before their banter turned sour.

Forfar Sheriff Court heard Carnegie had sat down beside the pensioner around 10.30pm on July 27 and introduced himself.

Depute fiscal Bill Kermode said the complainer said he knew Carnegie’s father and the pair began chatting about football before the row.

Carnegie punched the pensioner, cutting his left eye, before the two men began pushing each other.

They were separated and told to stay at opposite ends of the pub, the court heard.

“Some time after that they then shook hands and went their separate ways,” said the fiscal.

However, the victim then stopped at Forfar police office to report the incident.

Defence solicitor Nick Markowski said: “I understand the complainer had been out since about 1.30pm in various Forfar premises and Mr Carnegie also went out on the Saturday afternoon.

“Mr Carnegie is a local in the Victoria Bar whereas the other man isn’t. My client is still welcome there.

“The complainer passes the police station on his way home and decides after a period of reflection to report the matter.

“I understand that he was given a police warning over his own behaviour.”

Sentence was deferred until April 9 for a background report and tagging order assessment.

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