The Courier & Advertiser (Angus and Dundee)

Be role models for kids to copy


Sir, – A lot of unmasked ‘hot air’ is being expelled on the demonisati­on of school kids. That they are the virus spreaders is being shouted from the rafters.

Spreading the virus, almost deliberate­ly, by not taking heed of the elders’ warnings.

Whilst I support the encouragem­ent of school students adhering to the F.A.C.T.S, demonising them is the wrong

approach, in my opinion.

What behaviour are we offering as role models for them to model?

At the start of this pandemic, we had Professor Calderwood, Jenricks MP and Cummings.

Calderwood’s two trips to her holiday home were wrong. She ‘fessed up’, so some respect is due to her. Jenrick’s trip to his parents home was ‘uncovered’ by the press, he still stands by the position that he did nothing wrong.

Cumming’s trip,

dear me what to say, to Durham and Barnard Castle and back, took the proverbial biscuit, even more so than the Aberdeen FC and the Celtic debacles.

And then we have house parties where seemingly intelligen­t adults, young and old, are ignoring the rules and consuming alcohol, aka falling-over liquid.

These are the messages and role models that some of these children are being given, so what do we expect? Angels?

It would appear that we will probably see several increases in Covid infections as the schools return, so let’s give our children good Covid models to copy.

This virus will not go away in the next few months, so we all need to sharpen up, me included. Alistair Ballantyne. Birkhill,


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