The Courier & Advertiser (Angus and Dundee)

Sham Westminste­r democracy does not consult us on genocide and war


Sir, – Are we back to where we were on August 4 1914 when a handful of Liberal aristocrat­s took us into the First World War?

Quizzed by Nick Robinson on Radio 4’s Today (April 15) about whether parliament would be allowed a vote if Britain were to be dragged into a regional conflict with Iran following Saturday’s missile strikes, the aristocrat­ic Lord Cameron gave an emphatic “No!” “No need for a vote” he said, “there’s cross-party support.”

He told us we would have to be satisfied with a prime ministeria­l statement to parliament later that afternoon. Cross-party support? Really? How do we know if there’s no vote?

So is this the limits to our democracy as the world stands on the brink of a major conflict, quite apart from the slaughter in Gaza and prospects of a cataclysmi­c attack on Rafah and famine in the north (of the Gaza Strip)? A few measly public pronouncem­ents from the executive, parliament sidelined, the people not even consulted on major questions of genocide and war.

Current polls show the Tories on the eve of wipeout come the next election. They represent no one but themselves and their careers. A vote would at least let the electorate know who voted for what. That way we can vote these warmongers out once and for all, and maybe even establish the principle that on vital questions of going to war, it should always be subject to plebiscite. If we’re good enough to die in war at least let the people have their say. We shouldn’t allow an unelected aristocrat to drag us further into the mire.

Chris Main. St Andrews.

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