The Courier & Advertiser (Fife Edition)

Mes to Gardyne


Such conversati­ons turned into a classic Broons tale (split between their Glebe Street residence and But ’n’ Ben holiday home) mixing that familiar dry wit with a wistful melancholy.

“The show is about the lead-up to Maggie’s wedding and the various obstacles that brings to the characters,” Paul reveals.

“For example mine – as the father – is ‘how am I gonnae pay for it all?’ Then of course there’s that classic Broons misunderst­anding. It’s very, very close to what you see on the page.”

So how surreal has it been to play an iconic duo they’ve both known since childhood? “I’ve never really played a character in the theatre that I’m this familiar with,” says Joyce.

“Usually you go into a rehearsal room and you’ve to really discover the character for yourself, whereas that familiarit­y with Maw Broon helped a lot.

“I pulled out some of the annuals that are still at my mum’s and refreshed myself with the stories.” Paul adds: “The fact that Joyce Falconer and wee Maureen Carr (as The Bairn) are in this was a big draw for me, as well as the prestige of playing Paw Broon.

“That, combined with the character of Winston that I play in Still Game – I’m the go-to guy for old people, it would seem.”

The dynamic between Maw and Paw is crucial. Fortunatel­y, Paul and Joyce were already well-acquainted, having met and acted together in drama school.

“I’ve played Paul’s wife before. I’ve played his ma. We used to get cast opposite one another all the time,” says Joyce.

Rounding out the brood are Kern Falconer as Granpaw, Kim Allan as Maggie, Tyler Colins as Hen, John Kielty as Joe, Laura Szalecki as Daphne, Euan Bennet as Horace, with Kevin Lennon and Duncan Brown as The Twins.

I’ve never played a character I’m so familiar with

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