The Courier & Advertiser (Fife Edition)

Minnie’s major impact in Africa

Dundee woman Minnie Watson helped lay the foundation­s of the Presbyteri­an Church of East Africa. Michael Alexander tells her story and speaks to a man who retraced her footsteps


Smiling for the camera while wearing a safaristyl­e hat and neck tie, the Dundee-born teacher and missionary looked perfectly at ease as she posed for the camera alongside a group of children dressed in traditiona­l Kenyan clothing.

The drought, famine and disease Minnie Watson endured in East Africa in the early 20th Century was a world away from the poverty being experience­d by many working people thousands of miles away in her home town of Dundee.

But as the first female Presbyteri­an Missionary in Kenya, Mrs Watson overcame these extreme hardships alongside the Kenyans to fulfil her mission of spreading the gospel.

Today, it’s another Presbyteri­an Missionary from Dundee – Mary Slessor – who often comes to mind when thinking of those who left a dramatic and lasting impact on generation­s of Africans. Legacy However, Minnie Watson’s extraordin­ary legacy also lives on.

The ship captain’s daughter helped lay the foundation­s of the Presbyteri­an Church of East Africa (PCEA), which today has around 3.5 million members and runs a network of schools, hospitals and universiti­es.

Born in 1867, Minnie Watson followed her fiance, the Rev Thomas Watson, who was also from Dundee, to the former British colony in 1899 after he establishe­d the Scottish Mission in Thogoto, Kikuyu.

They soon married but barely a year later, he died of pneumonia, leaving the “devoted” 32-year-old to assume responsibi­lity for the mission.

Education and welfare were Mrs Watson’s primary focus and she establishe­d an extensive network of mission schools for girls and boys.

Kenya’s first president Jomo Kenyatta, father of current president Uhuru Kenyatta, was a former pupil and was baptised in Watson-Scott Memorial Church, prefabrica­ted in Scotland at the turn of the 20th Century and shipped 7,150 miles to Kikuyu.

Mrs Watson, who was head teacher of the mission schools system, was described by former pupils as an outstandin­g Christian role model – always loving, humble, patient but strict when necessary.

She served in Kikuyu for more than 30 years before retiring to Dundee where she died in 1949 at the age of 82.

Mrs Watson’s ashes were returned to be buried beside her husband’s remains in a cemetery in Kikuyu, located next to the 108-year-old church named after them and Dr Henry E Scott, a former Scottish Mission leader.

The Right Rev Dr Russell Barr, moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, visited the couple’s grave to pay his respects earlier this month.

And a film, From Dundee to Kenya, was compiled for YouTube by Church of Scotland spokesman Cameron Brooks.

The grave is marked by a large stone Celtic Cross and the now faded inscriptio­n on the memorial stone once said: “They brought the light of God to the Kikuyu people.”

Dr Barr, who noted the church had found its own “heart, soul and voice”, said it was a “great privilege” to visit the site.

He added: “Although the PCEA has long found its African heart, its African soul and its African voice, it was Church of Scotland missionari­es who first planted the seeds of Christian faith

“Prominent among them were the Rev Thomas and Minnie Watson, who establishe­d a mission at Kikuyu.

“It was quite humbling to stand at their graveside and to realise how their courage, devotion and Christian faith has been rewarded in the vibrant and growing church that is the PCEA.”

Professor David Ngugi, a Church of the Torch elder, said Scottish missionari­es had a “big impact” on the Kikuyu people.

“They were very focused in spreading the gospel and education because at that time Kenya was regarded as the dark continent,” he added. Fighting poverty “The missionari­es planted several schools, improved health by setting up hospitals and fought poverty by starting agricultur­al industries.

“Many people in Kenya have benefited from that legacy and the impact of Minnie Watson still lives on.”

The relationsh­ip between the Church of Scotland and PCEA remains strong.

Dr Barr handed over £6,000 donated by kirk members to help pay for a drinking water borehole at the Mother Esther Boarding School and Rescue Centre in Maasai land.

He also presented a cheque for £10,000 to the leaders of the PCEA Boys and Girls Brigade.

The money was raised by the Boys Brigade in Scotland for the BB World Mission Fund and will be used to make uniforms for Kenyan youngsters.

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 ??  ?? Left: Dundee woman Minnie Watson during her missionary work in Kenya. Above: The Right Rev Dr Russell Barr with the Rev Robert Mbugua at her grave in the country.
Left: Dundee woman Minnie Watson during her missionary work in Kenya. Above: The Right Rev Dr Russell Barr with the Rev Robert Mbugua at her grave in the country.

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