The Courier & Advertiser (Fife Edition)

Seagull swoops to scoff diner’s fast food burger

- Nadia vidinova

A Dundee man has told how his daughter was “terrified” when a gull swooped down and stole his burger outside McDonald’s.

Greig Stott was sitting at a table in front of the fast food restaurant on Reform Street with four-year-old Colleen and left her with friends while he went inside to get some ketchup.

The ferocious bird pounced and made off with his burger, leaving only the lettuce and tomato in the box.

Greig said: “I wasn’t even gone for 30 seconds and a seagull has swooped down right before my daughter’s terrified eyes and snatched my ‘Big Tasty’ burger away. “Colleen was OK, although she did get a bit of a fright, I think she was in as much shock as I was, I just couldn’t believe it.

“It was like it was waiting to pounce at any second and the minute I got up and left my seat, it swooped.

“It did leave me my tomato and lettuce though.”

Greig added there is also a seagull problem in Coldside, where he lives, with the birds regularly raiding bins. He said he will now think twice before eating his food outside.

He said: “It is nature, they are wild animals – I don’t have a problem with their existence, but when it comes to attacking, swooping down on and scaring young children, families and when people have this constant fear of having their food snatched away from them, then that is a serious problem.”

It did leave me my tomato and lettuce though.

 ??  ?? Menacing seagull in Castle Street, Dundee. Left: Greig Stott had his burger snatched.
Menacing seagull in Castle Street, Dundee. Left: Greig Stott had his burger snatched.
 ?? Picture: Kris Miller. ??
Picture: Kris Miller.

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