The Courier & Advertiser (Fife Edition)

Campaign for safer cycle routes


A call has been made to create more safer cycling routes across St Andrews.

Three St Andrews councillor­s and MSP Willie Rennie have accompanie­d campaigner­s from the St Andrews Space for Cycling (SASC) group on a tour of potential safe cycle routes between residentia­l areas in the town, and the general location of the proposed new Madras College.

The tour was lead by SASC member Hamish Lawson, who has designed a map of potential cycle routes. The aim of the tour was to examine ways in which sustainabl­e travel – specifical­ly walking and cycling – could be made available to schools, as roads are too busy with cars for many parents to allow their children to cycle.

SASC chairman Tony Waterston said: “There is a huge opportunit­y here to influence new developmen­t towards concepts of sustainabl­e travel which are becoming more and more necessary, and understood right across the country.

“Cycle campaigner­s were greatly heartened by the full support of the councillor­s and the MSP for developing safe cycling routes to schools, as a first step towards other developmen­ts in the town which we are seeking.

“We also ask educationa­l authoritie­s to set a target of at least 50% of non-bussed pupils travelling to the school by bike or on foot, as is the case in many European countries.”

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The group toured potential routes.

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