The Courier & Advertiser (Fife Edition)

Sex offender claimed mobile phone was TV remote control


A sex offender attempted to persuade detectives a mobile phone containing indecent images of children was “a remote control for the television”.

Allen Lothian slipped the handset under a pillow, hoping it would escape detection, before making a bid to pull the wool over the eyes of officers.

They had been searching properties across north-east Fife for the 24-year-old after learning he had been uploading indecent images of children to the internet.

Activity from an email account linked to Lothian had been picked-up by specialist officers working at Police Scotland’s east Scotland cybercrime hub in Edinburgh.

They eventually tracked him down to a property in St Andrews, having already executed search warrants in Pittenweem and Anstruther.

A forensic examinatio­n of his phone subsequent­ly revealed five images showing boys engaged in sexual activity.

Lothian, of North Street in St Andrews, subsequent­ly admitted that between May 14 and 29, 2014, he was in possession of indecent photograph­s of children.

He also admitted failing to appear at court on February 14 having been granted bail at Dundee Sheriff Court on November 30 2016.

Sentence has been deferred until October 3 for the preparatio­n of social work and psychiatri­c reports.

Lothian asked to be allowed to remain on bail.

However, he was remanded in custody by Sheriff Lindsay Foulis.

Social workers have said that, given his previous conviction­s, they believe he is at “high risk of reoffendin­g”.

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