The Courier & Advertiser (Fife Edition)

Backing for May’s vow to carry on as Prime Minister


Scottish Conservati­ve leader Ruth Davidson has given her backing to the Prime Minister’s plans to stay in post after Theresa May said she planned to lead the party in a 2022 general election.

The Prime Minister’s assertion that she is “not a quitter” and her vow to fight the next general election – despite losing the Tory majority after the snap election in June – has sparked criticism from within her party, including former ministers Nicky Morgan and Grant Shapps.

Ms Davidson dismissed the criticism and said the Prime Minister has her “full support”.

She told BBC Radio Scotland’s Good Morning Scotland programme: “I’m not sure who has been criticisin­g Theresa May for wanting to carry on.

“Of course we want our prime minister to stay in post and she’s got my full support.”

Former Tory Party chairman Mr Shapps has said it was “too early” for Mrs May to talk about going “on and on” like Margaret Thatcher.

Nicky Morgan, a former education secretary, who was sacked by the Prime Minister when she entered Downing Street, said it would be “difficult” for Mrs May to fight the next election as leader.

The Prime Minister has dismissed the criticism, insisting the public wants the Government to “get on with the job” of dealing with the challenges facing the country.

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