The Courier & Advertiser (Fife Edition)

Man posted intimate photos of ex-girlfriend on social media site

- gary fiTzpaTric­k

A Dunfermlin­e man who posted intimate photograph­s of his ex-girlfriend on Twitter has been fined at Dunfermlin­e Sheriff Court.

Liam Little, 20, of Townhill Road, admitted publishing the images on the social networking site on July 18.

The court heard the photograph­s showed the woman “in an intimate situation” and that by posting them without her consent, Little had intended to cause her fear, alarm or distress.

Depute fiscal Dev Kapadia said he had been in relationsh­ip with the victim for two years until October 2015. He went on: “They remained friends after the break-up.

“The accused formed another relationsh­ip with another female and it appears they created a Twitter account together under the name of ‘David Mohammed’.

“It appears that the complainer had previously sent the accused four intimate pictures of herself on the understand­ing they were private photograph­s. However, it would appear that those pictures were published on the ‘David Mohammed’ Twitter account and they came to the attention of a friend of the complainer. The complainer came to the conclusion the accused must have been responsibl­e for posting the pictures.”

Little initially denied the accusation but later accepted responsibi­lity for setting up the fake account and posting photos.

Defence solicitor Elaine Buist said: “Part of the reason he involved himself was that he was embarrasse­d that the complainer had shown people an intimate video of him.”

She said Little had posted the video by mistake on a public forum and had only meant it to be seen privately but his ex-girlfriend had seen it and pointed out what he had done.

He removed it but believed she had shown it on her phone to other people – a claim disputed by Mr Kapadia.

Ms Buist added: “He does seem to have questioned the wisdom of doing it and there is a suggestion that his current girlfriend pressed the button.”

Sheriff Craig McSherry fined Little £700 and ordered forfeiture of the mobile used in the offence.

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