The Courier & Advertiser (Fife Edition)

Foodbank unable to prepare for Christmas due to rising demand

CUPAR: Work on festive hampers put on hold after basic supplies of basic foodstuffs run low

- cheryl peebles

A Fife foodbank is facing such demand it fears it will struggle to provide for families at Christmas in the way it did last year.

More people in desperate need are turning to Cupar Foodbank each month to feed themselves and their children.

Demand has risen so sharply the lifeline is handing out more than it receives in donations and cannot yet start preparing for the festive season.

Last Christmas it gave families small gifts and fresh food for Christmas Day as well as the usual emergency food.

Manager Fiona Findlay said: “We hope to do this again but with demand rising sharply month after month it is becoming even more difficult.

“At present, we are giving out 280kg of food a week but just 100kg is being donated.”

Appealing for the public’s help, she added: “We are very grateful for all donations and while we have enough of things like pasta and beans, we need items that people can make into meals, as well as cleaning and hygiene products that some people struggle to afford on top of food.”

Last Christmas 2,400 meals were provided by the charity to 200 people, at least half of them children.

North East Fife MP Stephen Gethins is collecting donations in his constituen­cy office, in Cupar’s Bonnygate, in the hope of helping to meet demand.

He said: “It is unfortunat­e that so many people in our communitie­s are having to rely on foodbanks at all but the need is there and I am very grateful to all those who donate items and to the volunteers at foodbanks across the area who donate their time to help others.

“I have been told that by now the Cupar Foodbank would be thinking about how to fill its Christmas hampers so they can help the worst-hit families and individual­s over the festive season, but with supplies of certain things being so low the foodbank team are a long way off doing that.”

Items urgently needed include tinned meats and fish, corned beef, tinned fruit and custard, jars of pasta and curry sauce, UHT milk and non-food items such as cleaning products, washing up liquid, washing powder, shampoo and shower gel.

At present, we are giving out 280kg of food a week but just 100kg is being donated. FOODBANK MANAGER FIONA FINDLAY

 ?? Picture: Kim Cessford. ?? From left: Foodbank manager Fiona Findlay, MP Stephen Gethins and volunteer Ken Aitken at Cupar Foodbank in St Catherine Street.
Picture: Kim Cessford. From left: Foodbank manager Fiona Findlay, MP Stephen Gethins and volunteer Ken Aitken at Cupar Foodbank in St Catherine Street.

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