The Courier & Advertiser (Fife Edition)

Fascinatin­g times ahead


Sir, - Jeremy Corbyn’s triumph at the Labour Party conference – after his general election

defeat – reminds me of how popular Nicola Sturgeon was immediatel­y after she lost the 2014 referendum.

We Brits love to elevate, then bring down our heroes, don’t we?

Remember how popular Margaret Thatcher and Tony Blair once were?

It will be interestin­g to see if Mr Corbyn’s popularity survives long enough to successful­ly damage the SNP’s western central belt power base in the 2021 Holyrood and 2022 Westminste­r elections.

Both he and, judging by her policy shift to the left, Nicola Sturgeon appear to think so.

In Scotland where, regrettabl­y, everything politicall­y is subjugated to the independen­ce debate, those who support the UK against SNP nationalis­m must sincerely hope so. Martin Redfern. Woodcroft Road, Edinburgh.

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