The Courier & Advertiser (Fife Edition)

Confrontin­g lessons on harbouring racism


Sir, – Jenny Hjul’s article (“We need to talk about this”, The Courier, January 31), highlights the fact that racial bias is more common than we think, and must be exposed at every level.

Labour MSP Anas Sarwar was correct to take action against a disgracefu­l racial slur made by one of his own Labour Party officials.

It takes that type of courage to make a stand against racism, which is essential wherever it raises its ugly head.

However, the idea that racism in Scotland or the UK is only directed to Pakistani and other foreign nations is sadly misguided.

I had my own experience of this during the 2014 Scottish Independen­ce Campaign, while out canvassing voters in central Perth.

A man spoke to me and assumed from my accent that I was English.

I explained my father was Scottish, born and bred in Dundee as I was, and my mother was a Londoner.

He asked why I backed the Union Campaign and his attitude became very aggressive.

He then shouted, “You belong in your motherland and will be sent there” to which I replied that I was already in my fatherland and intended to stay.

He walked away but turned after a few paces and shouted loudly that “A Free Scotland will soon get rid of all you English b ****** s”.

Racism is neither an SNP policy, nor a policy of any other UK party and I have since debated with many SNP voters on the merits – and otherwise – of independen­ce.

However, this unsettling incident made me aware that many levels of raw and ignorant racial animosity can be harboured by every UK citizen. Angus Brown, The Orchard, Station Road, Longforgan.

 ??  ?? Labour MSP Anas Sarwar is to be commended for taking a stand against a racial slur.
Labour MSP Anas Sarwar is to be commended for taking a stand against a racial slur.

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