The Courier & Advertiser (Fife Edition)


Our resident astrologis­t CLAIRE PETULENGRO gives today’s prediction­s



(MARCH 21ST-APRIL 20TH) Listen to your heart above all other voices. It’s what will give you the courage and strength to go forward with your life and not backwards. Ring for your week in full detail. 0904 020 2170


(APRIL 21ST-MAY 21ST) Self-trust is the first secret of success. Remember to be true to yourself and your dreams. They are what will make your life a more enjoyable place to be. Your ruling planet the Sun hands you the power of seduction. Ring for your ideal match. 0904 020 2171


(MAY 22ND-JUNE 21ST) Try not to put your precious time into things which can’t be changed. Make a mental list of what and who should be your priority this week. Ring to talk home issues. 0904 020 2172


(JULY 22ND-JULY 23RD) Yes, I know that both you and a close one have said things you now regret, but I also know you’re both willing to meet half way. Will you be the first one to make amends? If so, it will gain you respect and support. Ring to review the year so far. 0904 020 2173


(JULY 24TH-AUGUST 23RD) Dreams are likely to have meanings this week, so make a mental note of them or better still write them down. Ring to hear how the Moon ensures you’ll not be suffering fools gladly. 0904 020 2174


(AUGUST 23RD-SEPTEMBER 23RD) I love the way you have tried to take control of your life lately and how you have tried to conquer your fears. It has made your life a happier place to be. Don’t bite at the words of an ex. They’re not worth your time. Ring to hear who I think is. 0904 020 2175


(SEPTEMBER 24TH-OCTOBER 23RD) It’s where we go and what we do when we get there, that tells us and those around us who we are. Changes you make this month see you getting rid of those who only drag you down. Ring to continue this positivity. 0904 020 2176


(OCTOBER 24TH-NOVEMBER 22ND) If you would focus on one day at a time, instead of trying to live in tomorrow, then you would find your life a happier place to be. Ring to hear the pleasure Saturn promises. 0904 020 2177


(NOVEMBER 23RD-DECEMBER 21ST) You may not be able to control what others say this week but you will be able to dictate what they are able to do. You have more support and love around you than you could possibly imagine. Ring for a better understand­ing. 0904 020 2178


(DECEMBER 22ND-JANUARY 20TH) This is a really constructi­ve period for you Capricorn. You are finally able to get through to the stubborn characters in your life. Ring to hear why it’s worth being more serious. 0904 020 2179


(JANUARY 21ST-FEBRUARY 19TH) You have done such a good job of working through issues, but you can’t see it due to the fact that you have not had time to stop and catch your breath. Ring for a romantic revelation. 0904 020 2180


(FEBRUARY 20TH-MARCH 20TH) New friends make your life a more interestin­g place to be. You no longer worry about others approving of your actions, but you have every intention of living for the day. Good for you! Ring to hear about new paths beckoning in your stars. 0904 020 2181

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