The Courier & Advertiser (Fife Edition)

Tories promise cash boost for Scots NHS

- Catriona Webster

The Scottish Government will receive a £2 billion boost as a result of UK Government investment in the NHS, the Scottish Conservati­ves have said.

Leader Ruth Davidson welcomed the announceme­nt made by Prime Minister Theresa May of an additional £20 billion in NHS funding and the knock-on impact for Scotland.

Health Secretary Shona Robison said extra funding was welcome, but warned that Mrs May’s promise to fund the rise through a “Brexit dividend” was “simply not credible”.

Any increase in funding for the health service in England is reflected in the Barnett formula, used to distribute Treasury funds across the devolved nations.

The Tories said the annual rise of 3.4% proposed by Mrs May was worth £2 billion in real terms to Scotland by 2023/24.

Ms Davidson said: “It is hugely welcome that the UK Conservati­ve government has provided this long-term funding plan for our NHS.”

Ms Robison said: “Under this Scottish Government, we’ve increased NHS funding to record high levels and committed to passing on every penny of health resource consequent­ials to health investment in Scotland.

“Any Barnett funding is welcome after seeing Scotland’s budget cut by £2.6 billion under the current UK government.

“The devil is always in the detail when it comes to Tories making funding promises

“The Tories’ claim that this is funded by a ‘Brexit dividend’ is simply not credible as the UK will be paying a £40 billion bill to leave the EU.”

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