The Courier & Advertiser (Fife Edition)

Councillor apologises over swearing tweets

Convener launched tirades over antitrans Pride protest


Dundee’s children and families convener has apologised after being blasted over a series of expletive-laden outbursts on social media.

Councillor Gregor Murray launched into a stream of explicit tirades on Saturday following reports of an antitrans protest at a London Pride event.

The councillor, who identifies as gender non-binary, used foul language to describe a group of women blocking the march and asked a fellow Twitter user, “where’s your f***ing solidarity you transphobi­c b ****** ?”.

The convener added: “Get to f*** with your medieval views, you horrible bigot. Stonewall started with trans people. Don’t you f***ing dare sully it with your anti-trans b ******* .”

The councillor has now admitted the use of such crass language “reflects badly upon my city and my party” after facing a backlash over the outbursts.

The councillor said: “Over the weekend, a small minority of TransExclu­sionary Radical Feminists attempted to disrupt Pride in London. They misreprese­nted the history of our LGBTI Community and attacked many of my friends and colleagues.

“In my anger, I used a lot of crass language which was not appropriat­e. I took their messages personally and reacted in a manner which reflects badly upon my city and my party.

“While I will always stand up for equality and for those most vulnerable, I realise that I should reflect on how best I should achieve those aims.”

The rants were the latest in a long line of foul-worded tweets and online activity from the councillor, who has repeatedly landed in hot water over remarks on social media. Councillor Philip Scott, who also sits on the children and families services committee, said: “You would have thought Gregor would have learned from previous occasions that this really is not a good example to be setting.

“(Council leader) John Alexander must now tell Gregor to tone this stuff down. I would never dream of using that kind of language on social media.

“If you’re a parent or a teacher and you saw that kind of stuff being posted, you would be thinking ‘for goodness sake, sort yourself out’.” One council worker, who contacted The Courier, said they were “appalled” . “What example is that to the children of Dundee?” the employee asked.

Councillor Willie Sawers, depute leader of the SNP Group, said: “This language is clearly inappropri­ate and Councillor Murray has acknowledg­ed this.

“Councillor Murray is currently on holiday and we will discuss this matter on the councillor’s return.”

 ?? Picture: Kris Miller. ?? Councillor Gregory Murray has been criticised after launching expletivel­aden tweets over the weekend.
Picture: Kris Miller. Councillor Gregory Murray has been criticised after launching expletivel­aden tweets over the weekend.

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