The Courier & Advertiser (Fife Edition)

Free parking at Ninewells is no solution


Sir, – I notice Bill Bowman, a Conservati­ve list MSP for North East Scotland, has become the latest politician to grab a headline by demanding abolition of parking charges at Ninewells Hospital (“New call for end to Ninewells charges”, (The Courier, July 10).

My advice to him is “Be careful what you wish for”.

When the decision was taken in the early 1960s to build a new hospital at Ninewells in the southeast extremity of Dundee, there were protests that the location was too far from the largest population centres in the city.

The response was to include the largest bus terminal in the city, with buses running to and from almost every part of Dundee.

Large car parks were also built, which were adequate when Ninewells was officially opened in 1974 but were soon overtaken by the expansion in car use.

If Mr Bowman wishes to see the pressure on parking at the hospital he should visit Ninewells Avenue or speak to residents in Glamis Drive and Menzieshil­l who experience the problems first hand – problems that certainly will not be eased by making Ninewells parking free.

Mr Bowman may be unaware Dundee is one of the few cities which does not have a park and ride scheme. This is purely due to space.

Dundee City has the smallest land area of any local authority in mainland Scotland.

If parking charges were abolished at Ninewells there would be serious problems as the bus terminal could become a park and ride in all but name.

I understand Mr Bowman is a practising accountant. Has he really thought over what it would mean for NHS Tayside to lose a share of parking revenue on one hand, and need to employ, out of existing budgets, additional parking attendants to ensure that patients, staff and visitors can find space to park?

Ken Guild. Brown Street, Broughty Ferry.

 ??  ?? Correspond­ents argue introducin­g free parking at Ninewells will make the parking problem worse.
Correspond­ents argue introducin­g free parking at Ninewells will make the parking problem worse.

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