The Courier & Advertiser (Fife Edition)

Children as young as 8 asked for Brexit views

Twitter plea for young people to work with panel


The Scottish Government is appealing to children as young as eight to share their views on Brexit.

Critics branded the Twitter plea for youngsters to “work with” the government on a Europe panel “creepy”.

But the SNP administra­tion defended the move as giving those who will be most affected by leaving the EU a “voice in the Brexit negotiatio­ns”.

The call by the Twitter account ScotGovEur­ope said: “Are you aged 8-18? Children and young people in Scotland are going to be affected by #Brexit, so we want your views!

“Apply to join the @cisweb Children & Young People’s Panel on Europe to work with @scotgov.”

It sparked claims that SNP ministers are trying to indoctrina­te children on the constituti­on.

Alison Preuss, of the Scottish Home Education Forum, said it is “inappropri­ate” for the Scottish Government and a children’s charity that is supported by state cash “to be exploiting young children in this way”.

“Individual­s’ views on Brexit, whether children’s or adults’, are sensitive special category data, which should never be canvassed from minors without explicit parental consent,” said the Angus-based home educator.

“It is unethical and probably also breaches the general data protection regulation (GDPR).”

Some Twitter users said P4 children should be left to be kids and attacked the decision to bypass families and reach out directly to youngsters on Twitter, which is not designed for under-13s.

A marketing executive, who wished to remain anonymous, said it is “wholly unacceptab­le to attempt to contact kids via social media without parental consent”. He added: “The SNP is really obsessed with kids and many people are finding this both unacceptab­le and downright creepy.”

The Children in Scotland charity, which received more than £200,000 in Scottish Government grants last year, is being helped by the SNP administra­tion to run the children and young people’s panel on Europe.

Applicants are asked to submit answers to three questions, including one on their feelings on Brexit, before the panellists are picked at a selection day in Edinburgh. The panel of about 20 young people is expected to meet four times this year and will “work directly with Mike Russell”, the SNP’s government business and constituti­onal relations secretary.

The charity says that young people have a “right to be heard in the discussion­s about Brexit”, which they say is backed up by the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.

A spokesman for the Scottish Conservati­ves said: “Just when you think the SNP has run out of ways to use Brexit to agitate for independen­ce, it manages to stoop to a new low.”

A Scottish Government spokeswoma­n said: “Brexit is the single biggest threat to our economy and future prosperity, and children and young people will be most affected in the coming years.”

The SNP is really obsessed with kids and many people are finding this both unacceptab­le and downright creepy

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