The Courier & Advertiser (Fife Edition)

Lack of respect is a sad indictment


Vandalism is an abhorrent crime. At times perpetrate­d by misguided youths with an abundance of time and an inversely proportion­ate degree of common sense, it often results in irritation rather than anything more sinister.

However, recent damage in Fife represents so much more than acts of mindless stupidity.

Indeed, it is impossible to see the wanton destructio­n of graves as anything other than crimes calculated to cause maximum upset.

Bereaved families have spoken of their distress after headstones were pushed over and ornaments smashed at Methil Mill Cemetery.

One can quite understand their upset.

An investigat­ion is under way into the crimes, perpetrate­d at what should be a site guaranteed to offer a safe space for quiet reflection.

Barely a month has passed since we reported on the vandalism of a war memorial in Cowdenbeat­h.

On that occasion it appeared those responsibl­e had attempted to set fire to the monument.

Sadly events at Methil Mill in recent days represent yet another depressing chapter in a growing catalogue of crime.

Cemeteries should always be a place of respect – something those responsibl­e for this latest sickening act are sadly lacking.

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