The Courier & Advertiser (Fife Edition)

A little common sense required


Sir, – Councillor Bill Porteous’s letter about Syrian refugees being unsuitable for Kingsbarns (Letters, July 16) reminds me of an incident related to me by late father Robert Ovenstone who was St Monans’ Community Council chairman for many years.

Some time ago the community understood that Fife Council wanted to set up a hostel in Elmgrove for all the local psychopath­s when what was actually proposed was a hostel for those with conditions such as Down’s Syndrome.

Had Fife Council communicat­ed such a fact and explained such things to the community they would have been immediatel­y supportive rather than initially opposed to such an idea because they got the wrong end of stick, as it were.

How many Fife councillor­s actually live in Kingsbarns and understand the community there?

Yes, it is understood that people should not have to explain who they are when they move in beside you but a little common sense goes a long way.

I am sure if the Scottish Government explain why it is, apparently, a good idea to put all your emergency control rooms in Central Scotland they might understand the rationale behind the move, bonkers though I believe it is.

Peter Ovenstone. 6 Orchard Grove, Peterhead.

With Boris Johnson in particular, his ungracious resignatio­n letter and wider buffoonery confirm what we have all known all along, namely that he should never have been in a position of authority in the first place

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