The Courier & Advertiser (Fife Edition)

Westminste­r’s failures exposed


Sir, – Derek Farmer (Letters, August 31) complains that “the union” is constantly blamed for Scotland’s problems.

With Westminste­r having control of Scottish interests for more than 300 years, there are, inconvenie­ntly for the gentleman, no other candidates.

Contrary to his assertion, the numbers crunched by the Scottish Government in order to calculate the GERS figures are of Westminste­r origin also.

Incomplete and flawed as they are, they do serve to illustrate Westminste­r’s failures.

Separate Scottish economic figures were once issued, revealing we had as little as 17% of our revenues returned to us some years.

The balance, listed as, “Contributi­ons to Imperial Services”, is spent by London on our behalf.

This is a process – implemente­d by government­s Scots reject election after election – that continues to this day.

Mr Farmer’s claim that the SNP’s “grasp of fiscal management, is tenuous to say the least” wilfully misreprese­nts a government the Auditor General praised for its budgetary management.

The divergent paths Scotland and Norway have followed since North Sea oil and gas discoverie­s are but one demonstrat­ion of how poorly our diverse resources have been husbanded by Westminste­r, which no amount of “Better Together” flim-flam can excuse or hide.

Scottish revenues for 2017/18 were £1.3 billion.

Norway’s, during the same period came to £28 billion.

The, “sovereign independen­ce” Mr Farmer is so fearful of obviously holds no such terrors for a Scandinavi­an neighbour more reliant on oil and gas than an independen­t Scotland would be, while also successful­ly cohabiting with other countries.

One wonders how they would have fared under London’s, “Better Together”, broad shoulders. Ken Clark. c/o 15 Thorter Way, Dundee.

“The divergent paths Scotland and Norway have followed since North Sea oil and gas discoverie­s are but one demonstrat­ion of how poorly our diverse resources have been husbanded by Westminste­r, which no amount of “Better Together” flim-flam can excuse or hide

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