The Courier & Advertiser (Fife Edition)

McIntosh survivor wants lessons learned

Linda McDonald tells of ‘huge impact’ attack had on her, but is determined not to let it ruin her life


The Dundee grandmothe­r who survived a vicious attack by convicted murderer Robbie McIntosh said such killers should not be given home leave.

Linda McDonald, 53, was walking her dog in Templeton Woods when McIntosh attacked her with a dumb-bell.

He had been out of prison on home leave for only five days when he attempted to kill her.

McIntosh, 32, had been jailed for life in 2002 after murdering Anne Nicoll on Dundee Law the previous year.

A report by the Multi-Agency Public Protection Arrangemen­t (Mappa) Group into how McIntosh was monitored while on home leave during that sentence is being prepared.

It is understood it will say the attack on Mrs McDonald could have been prevented.

She said: “This can’t be allowed to happen to anybody else – that’s what I’m really passionate about.

“They have to learn lessons from this and I’m sure there will be lessons learned, otherwise there wouldn’t be this inquiry.”

A source quoted in the Daily Mail suggested the report will say McIntosh was not properly supervised while on home leave.

They said: “In particular, there will be criticism of the way McIntosh was monitored – basically he wasn’t. He was left to his own devices.”

Mrs McDonald said she believes McIntosh should not have been considered as suitable for home leave.

She said: “They shouldn’t let out people like him. Unfortunat­ely, it’s not like America where people just don’t get out.

“I heard a rumour that Anne Nicoll’s family were told he wouldn’t be getting out, but he did.”

She added: “This has had a huge impact on my family and friends.”

But brave Mrs McDonald said she refused to let McIntosh’s actions ruin her life.

Mrs McDonald said: “You have to control it, not let it control you.

“I am back working. You get busy dying or get busy living; I’m getting busy living.”

Mrs McDonald’s skull was fractured in two places by McIntosh during his frenzied attack.

She was saved when dog walkers Charles and Peter Connor ran to her aid after hearing her screams.

McIntosh fled the scene and returned to his mother’s flat.

Police arrested him minutes later. McIntosh pled guilty to attempted murder when he appeared at the High Court in Edinburgh in October last year.

In February he appeared at the High Court in Aberdeen for sentencing, where judge Lord Arthurson jailed him for an “indetermin­ate” period of time.

He must serve at least five years before he can be considered for parole but is subject to a lifelong restrictio­n order, which means he may never be released.

Mrs McDonald’s husband Matthew said: “The attack really had a horrific impact on our lives. My wife thought she was going to die.

“We are now looking at moving house because we’re too close to the area where the attack happened.

“Until something like this happens you don’t think about the effect of ‘softtouch justice’.

“Now we’re living through the consequenc­es.”

He added: “We hope this report can bring about change. Either don’t release people like this, with a history of violence; or, if you do, make sure they are properly monitored.”

An Angus Council spokesman, on behalf of the Mappa group, said a serious case review is being carried out which will consider the circumstan­ces of McIntosh’s offence with “a view to identifyin­g and learning any necessary improvemen­ts to public protection arrangemen­ts.”

This has had a huge impact on my family and friends.


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 ??  ?? Top: Linda McDonald and husband Matthew leave the court with family and friends. Above: Police officers search for evidence in Templeton Woods after the attack.
Top: Linda McDonald and husband Matthew leave the court with family and friends. Above: Police officers search for evidence in Templeton Woods after the attack.
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