The Courier & Advertiser (Fife Edition)

Father of tragic Fife tot is jailed after homeless man robbed


The father of a tragic tot shaken to death by another man was jailed yesterday after he admitted chasing a homeless man before his friend robbed him.

Kevin Flood – whose daughter Hayley Davidson was killed by her mother’s new partner Gordon McKay in 2016 – was given a nine-month sentence after he admitted a charge of breach of the peace over an incident in Soapwork Lane, Dundee, on June 21.

Flood – who was only released from a jail sentence for housebreak­ing weeks before the incident – chased Kevin Docherty as he walked towards his grandmothe­r’s house.

His co-accused, Scott Flynn, then tripped up Mr Docherty and knocked him on to the ground, punching and kicking him before stealing £105 in cash and the victim’s mobile phone.

Depute fiscal Eilidh Robertson told Dundee Sheriff Court that Flood later said the attack had happened because Mr Docherty had sex with his ex-partner.

Flynn, 32, a prisoner at HMP Perth, pled guilty on indictment to a charge of assault and robbery, while Flood, 27, also a prisoner at Perth, admitted a charge of breach of the peace.

Sheriff Alastair Carmichael jailed Flood for nine months.

Flynn was given a 16-month sentence to be served consecutiv­ely to a 100-day period of recall for his licence on a previous jail term.

The sheriff reduced the sentence to six months to take into account the period of time he has spent on remand.

Following Hayley’s death, McKay, 38, of Buckhaven, admitted a charge of culpable homicide and was jailed for seven-and-a-half years.

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