The Courier & Advertiser (Fife Edition)

Gender fluidity must be taught


Sir, – Richard Lucas claims that “putting up posters in classrooms” is “not about tackling bullying and promoting inclusion, it’s about indoctrina­tion” (Courier Letters, Monday).

He goes on to say: “Civility and tolerance can be promoted without preaching”.

I agree, and I certainly hope that the introducti­on of LGBTI inclusive education goes much further than putting posters up.

It is only by educating through discussion that children will learn about the sexual and gender fluidity.

But then Mr Lucas says that the Roman Catholic Church had to back the proposals, claiming the “tacit offer” was “do it or we shut down your schools”.

I invite Mr Lucas to provide any evidence that the RC Church in Scotland were threatened or coerced by the Scottish Government to either accept LGBTI inclusive education or have their schools closed.

I will agree with Mr Lucas when he says that “teaching kids that they can choose whether they are a boy or a girl” is indeed insanity – for gender identifica­tion never is a choice.

And should Mr Lucas doubt that, I invite him to tell me just exactly when he chose to be cisgender.

Finally, Mr Lucas claims: “The insistence that all expression­s of sexuality are equal has no grounding in evidence.”

Actually, there are reams and reams of peer-reviewed science which fully confirm sexual and gender fluidity.

If Mr Lucas has any similar peer-reviewed scientific evidence to the contrary, I invite him to share it with all of us. Leslie Thomson. 2 Moredunval­e Green, Edinburgh.

So yet more money saved.

Irene Liebermann. 63 MacDonald Smith Drive, Carnoustie.

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