The Courier & Advertiser (Fife Edition)



100 years ago

The First World War gave Scotland a place in British naval history which she had never occupied before. Admiral Sir David Beatty, the gallant Irish sailor and hero of Jutland, whom Dundee honoured on Saturday by conferring upon him the freedom of the city, paid a most generous tribute to Scotland’s services to the Royal Navy and the Grand Fleet in particular. This was not only in regard to the purely Scottish section of its personnel, but for the country’s solicitude for the comfort and wellbeing of the entire force.

50 years ago

Burntislan­d shipyard will come to life again today. Men are due to report this morning for plate production and fabricatio­n work following the take-over by Robb Caledon and the initial labour force is expected to be between 40 and 60. The importance of success in the early stages of the venture was stressed after a meeting of the campaign committee, which fought to have the yard reopened. Mr Harry Gourlay, MP for Kirkcaldy Burghs, said: “The committee wish to stress that this is a long-term project by Robb Caledon.”

25 years ago

Irish prime minister Albert Reynolds yesterday quickened the pace of the peace process by holding unpreceden­ted talks with Sinn Fein president Gerry Adams. The meeting marked the first direct talks between the head of a Dublin government and a senior figure from the Irish republican movement in the 72-year existence of an independen­t Ireland. But while Mr Reynolds described the meeting as heralding a “new era”, there was a bitter and acrimoniou­s confrontat­ion between John Major and Dr Ian Paisley.

One year ago

The condition of Fife’s pothole-ridden roads has been declared an “unfolding disaster” thanks to a combinatio­n of budget cuts and the beast from the east. The region is dealing with a huge backlog of defects and officials have warned conditions will get even worse unless more money is ploughed in. A total of 24,734 road defects were reported to Fife Council in 2017-18, an increase of more than 2,000 on the previous year.

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