The Courier & Advertiser (Fife Edition)

Clampdown on anti-social crime a major success.

Project looks to build on successes of joint approach and tackle underlying issues


A crackdown on anti-social behaviour that reduced calls to the police by 60% is to continue for a second year.

Funding has been secured for the project to tackle what had been a growing motorbike menace, underage drinking and an increase in deliberate­ly set fires in Levenmouth, where three prominent buildings were burned to the ground in 2018.

More diversiona­ry activities for young people will be included this year in the hope of tackling the root cause while maintainin­g the positive results .

Fife Council will split the £27,500 cost of the action with police to ensure the deployment of two officers dedicated solely to the partnershi­p, which also involves the fire service, Kingdom Off Road Motorcycle Club and substance use support organisati­on Clued-Up, as well as Truth nightclub and Brag Enterprise­s.

Last year, 60 vehicles were seized and three formal warnings issued as part of the blitz, while 222 people were charged with anti-social behaviour offences in the area. There was also a 61% drop in deliberate fire-raising, saving the taxpayer £250,000.

Councillor­s said they wanted to keep focusing on the issue to further reduce problems, particular­ly in the summer.

SNP councillor Ken Caldwell, vice-convener of Levenmouth area committee, said the project had been well received by the public.

“We’re looking to develop a lot of things we talked about but didn’t have time or finances for,” he said.

“We’re extending it to include drug and alcohol issues and violence reduction in the area.”

Vice-convener Labour councillor Colin Davidson said: “It’s worked out because we have come together and worked with different groups.

“I think this year the challenge for us will be to continue to work together in an innovative way that will see the underlying problems tackled.

“It’s not just about kids running about on motorbikes and anti-social behaviour, it’s about why it’s happening.”

Fife Council SNP leader David Alexander said it was vital the project continued.

“They’re still on their bikes, nothing like as many but we hear them and we know they’re around,” he said.

“Anybody we missed last year, we’ll get this year. No doubt about it.”

Inspector Paul Gillespie, of Levenmouth Police Station, said anti-social behaviour had improved significan­tly.

“Part of this success is due to the ability to have two dedicated community police officers who focus solely on anti-social behaviour prevention and enforcemen­t.

“The officers’ base posts are backfilled to ensure there is no diminution of service to the local community,” he added.

“It’s not just about kids running about on motorbikes and antisocial behaviour, it’s about why it’s happening. COUNCILLOR COLIN DAVIDSON

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Motorbikes seized by the police as part of the crackdown on anti-social behaviour in Levenmouth.

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