The Courier & Advertiser (Fife Edition)

Sturgeon’s ‘slow and steady’ route hailed by expert

COVID-19: Fife academic criticises Johnson’s lack of clarity


Nicola Sturgeon’s steady handling of the coronaviru­s pandemic has led to a lower death rate in Scotland than in England, according to a Fife academic who advises both the Westminste­r and Holyrood government­s.

St Andrews professor Stephen Reicher said the first minister had “responded nimbly to the developing understand­ing of the disease” and “articulate­d a clear overall strategy based on eliminatio­n of Covid-19”.

Writing in today’s Courier, he added: “That stands in stark contrast to the lack of any clear strategy from Boris Johnson’s government.”

Prof Reicher is a member of the UK Government’s Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencie­s (Sage) behavioura­l group and the Scottish Government’s Covid-19 advisory group.

The Scottish Government has chosen to exit lockdown measures at a slower rate than in

England and has made wearing a face covering compulsory in shops.

There have been no reported deaths from Covid-19 in Scotland for five days. In England, there were 11 new deaths recorded yesterday.

Prof Reicher, a social psychologi­st, added: “If there is one lesson we can all learn from what is going on in England and Scotland around the pandemic right now it is that slow and steady does win the race.”

Ihave been looking at the figures for Covid-19 in Scotland and England, and the difference­s are striking. In the week to last Thursday, there were over 80 daily deaths on average in England. In Scotland the average was less than one death every two days.

As for infections, there were just under 10 new daily cases per million people in England. In Scotland, there was just over one.

In England, some two planeloads of people are dying weekly. In Scotland, we are approachin­g eliminatio­n of the disease (though we mustn’t be complacent – we aren’t there yet and if we don’t stick at it, infections could quickly spike again).

So why the difference? What has Scotland got right that England has got wrong?

The first thing to recognise is that, when it comes to something as complex as cross-national comparison­s, there is no simple answer.

In terms of geography and population, Scotland and England are different countries.

Factors like population density and levels of internatio­nal travel (which first introduced the disease) probably played a part, but not enough to explain the whole difference.

For that, we need to turn to the different pandemic policies of the Westminste­r and Holyrood parliament­s. The second thing to recognise is that Holyrood didn’t get everything right. Far from it.

Like Westminste­r, Scotland was slow to recognise the scale of the threat, slow to develop adequate testing facilities and too slow to lockdown.

That cost many lives, as did the disastrous decision to move elderly people from hospitals into care homes.

But – and here the difference­s begin – the Scottish Government has acknowledg­ed its errors and responded nimbly to the developing understand­ing of the disease.

As a consequenc­e, its policies have diverged from Westminste­r in four key regards.

First and foremost, Nicola Sturgeon has articulate­d a clear overall strategy based on eliminatio­n of Covid-19. This doesn’t mean that we will get to zero and stay there.

But it means a constant drive to lower the infections and deaths and a refusal to be satisfied as long as people are still dying.

That stands in stark contrast to the lack of any clear strategy from Boris Johnson’s government.

Second, Holyrood has developed a clear, co-ordinated set of policies to realise its strategy: Caution in reopening before infections are driven down to a level where we can do so with confidence, a local-led testing system, maintainin­g social distancing and a clear policy on wearing masks.

Again this contrasts to the combinatio­n of hasty and ad hoc measures in England which has no clear logic beyond, perhaps, stimulatin­g headlines about “Super Saturday” and “Independen­ce Day”.

Third, the communicat­ion in Scotland has been clear and consistent, both in terms of the overall understand­ing of the pandemic and the specific measures to combat it, in terms of words and actions.

In Scotland (unlike England) politician­s and officials have done as they tell us to do – or, if they haven’t, they have paid the price.

What is more, the messaging here has been extremely effective, drawing on scientific principles, bringing us

“The Scottish Government has, by and large, acted in partnershi­p with the public

together as a community and invoking powerful norms of mutual care to encourage us to act for the common good.

Fourth, the Scottish Government has, by and large, acted in partnershi­p with the public, engaging in an ‘adult conversati­on’.

This has involved acknowledg­ing mistakes, admitting limitation­s, being open about the situation and, above all, involving the public in the developmen­t of policy (both through traditiona­l consultati­ons and through new initiative­s such as the digital platform).

Such a partnershi­p is the basis of trust and buy-in to policies (after all, the best policies in the world are no good unless people actually abide by them).

And when it comes to the figures on trust in government leaders to deal with Covid-19, these are even more striking than the figures on deaths and infections.

As of the start of the month, Boris Johnson stood at an overall -40% rating while Nicola Sturgeon stood at +60%. I cannot recall seeing such a difference.

But the point of this contrast is not triumphali­sm. It is to learn from what works and what does not.

If we try to rub Westminste­r’s nose in its failures, it will only make them more reluctant to listen to lessons from Holyrood. And we need them to listen.

Because we all live together on a small island and the ability to deal with Covid-19 depends upon all the constituen­t nations coming together to pursue a common eliminatio­n strategy.

If there is one lesson we can all learn from what is going on in England and Scotland around the pandemic right now, it is that slow and steady does win the race.

 ?? Picture: PA. ?? A soldier from 2 Scots Royal Regiment of Scotland takes a test sample at a Covid-19 testing centre at Glasgow Airport.
Picture: PA. A soldier from 2 Scots Royal Regiment of Scotland takes a test sample at a Covid-19 testing centre at Glasgow Airport.
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