The Courier & Advertiser (Fife Edition)

Sex pest thrown off train after drunken incident

Woman, 40, rubbed her body against conductor and shouted abuse


A woman caused uproar on a train after a prosecco binge by rubbing her body against the conductor who tried to calm her down.

A conductor asked Irene Torrie where she was going and she replied: “You can take me anywhere.”

Torrie, 40, of Balmuir Road, Dundee, was on her way home from a “shopping” trip to Glasgow when staff on the train had to intervene because of her raucous behaviour.

After grinding her body against the shocked conductor, Torrie was thrown off the Dundee-bound train in Perth and arrested by British Transport Police.

Torrie – who was already on the sex offenders register for carrying out a naked sex act in front of police – had alarmed other passengers on the busy train.

She admitted acting in a threatenin­g or abusive manner by shouting, swearing and rubbing her body against the official on the train on December 29.

Perth Sheriff Court was told Torrie’s behaviour had started on the early afternoon train after “several glasses of prosecco on an empty stomach”.

Depute fiscal Matthew Kerr told the court: “She and a witness had been drinking in Glasgow and were heading home.

“The service was busy with adults and children.

“The accused began to argue with the witness, shouting and swearing at him. He was asking her to calm down.

“Staff on the platform were alerted and they in turn told the conductor. The train left and the conductor walked through carriages to find her.

“He became aware of the accused who was drunk. He asked her to stop swearing or she would be put off the train.

“On asking where she was going, she replied ‘you can take me anywhere’ while she bent forwards towards the conductor.

“The accused then tried to stand up beside the conductor and rubbed her body against his. This caused the conductor to step back.

“The conductor said ‘you’ve just touched me inappropri­ately’.”

Mr Kerr said Torrie’s behaviour was volatile and ranged from apologisin­g to the other passengers to hurling more abuse at her companion.

Some of the passengers were distressed by her behaviour and the on-board staff called British Transport Police for help in the matter and she was removed from the train when it arrived at Perth Station.

Sheriff Gillian Wade said: “I’m told her memory of events is limited.”

She deferred sentence until September for reports.

Torrie was placed on the sex offenders register last year after she admitted performing a sex act in front of police officers in Dundee after racially abusing and threatenin­g to bite her neighbour.

 ??  ?? Irene Torrie caused uproar on a Dundee-bound train.
Irene Torrie caused uproar on a Dundee-bound train.
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