The Courier & Advertiser (Fife Edition)

Warning of danger to majority of polar bears


Melting sea ice could “jeopardise” the survival of most of the Arctic’s polar bear population by 2100, a study claims.

Researcher­s from Toronto University in Canada said a loss of sea ice caused by global warming will force the animals on to land, where they must rely on fat reserves due to lack of food.

The study, published in Nature Climate Change, said “aggressive” cuts to greenhouse gas emissions are now needed to save the animals, which rely on sea ice to reach their prey, from extinction.

Researcher­s used modelling to determine a polar bear’s energy requiremen­ts while fasting, and the thresholds that would limit survival, along with a model to predict the future number of ice-free days.

This was then used to estimate when the survival thresholds would be surpassed for 13 Arctic sub-population­s, representi­ng 80% of all polar bears.

Study author Peter Molnar and his colleagues found that, under a high greenhouse gas emissions scenario, the bears’ survival would be “unlikely” over much of the Arctic due to reduced sea ice.

Under a “moderate emissions scenario” more sub-population­s could survive this century.

“Ultimately, aggressive greenhouse gas emissions mitigation will be required to save polar bears from extinction,” the study said.

Researcher­s found cubs would be most at risk from fasting. Solitary adult females would be the least affected.

It found survival thresholds may have been reached in several sub-population­s.

The authors said their study was limited by the use of a single “earth systems model” – used to determine how sea ice will be affected – and because of uncertaint­ies and variations in bear behaviour and energy usage among sub-population­s.

“Our model captures demographi­c trends observed during 1979 to 2016, showing that recruitmen­t and survival impact thresholds may already have been exceeded in some (polar bear) sub-population­s,” the authors said.

“It also suggests that, with high greenhouse gas emissions, steeply declining reproducti­on and survival will jeopardise the persistenc­e of all but a few high-Arctic sub-population­s by 2100.”

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