The Courier & Advertiser (Fife Edition)

Independen­ce for England has my backing

- Les Mackay. Carmichael Gardens, Dundee.

Sir, – At last, after all these years the scales have fallen from my eyes, and I see the light!

I have been wasting my time all these years campaignin­g for Scottish independen­ce.

It is not Scotland which has had a bad deal from the union: It is the poor souls south of the border, who have funded Scotland for the last 300 years, willingly and with good grace, only to have us whinging Jocks constantly complainin­g, and in recent years, demanding separation.

It was when I saw the recent poll showing that 49% of English people wanted England to be an independen­t country that the penny dropped, and I realised the error of my ways.

They are understand­ably sick fed up of subsidisin­g us Scottish scroungers, to the tune of billions of pounds per year, endlessly.

They could be rolling in money if they were independen­t.

Given that the 49% was achieved without any campaignin­g whatsoever, the obvious next step for them, I would suggest, is to have a referendum on independen­ce, which I’m sure the hard pressed people of England, in these tough times, would support almost unanimousl­y.

A request to Westminste­r for a Section 30 Order, to enable a referendum, with our current enlightene­d government in place, would be a formality, and England could then resume its rightful place alongside the US, China and Russia, as a world superpower, while Scotland, and maybe Wales too, could resume their places in the backwaters of the EU.

We have held them back for too long, now is their time. I’m backing independen­ce for England.

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