The Courier & Advertiser (Fife Edition)

Lack of accessible taxis in Perth revealed


A Perth private hire operator has highlighte­d a shortage of wheelchair accessible taxis in the area.

According to a Transport Scotland document in 2019, only 9% of Perth and Kinross taxis could accommodat­e wheelchair­s.

Perth and Kinross Council’s licensing committee was this week told it is estimated that there are more than 4,000 wheelchair users in the region.

Private hire operator John McIntosh made an emotional deputation to the committee as it met virtually this week.

He and his wife Jane run JJ Tosh Private Hire and operate three private hire vehicles – all wheelchair accessible – and presented an applicatio­n for a Wheelchair Accessible Taxi Operator licence for Perth.

He said: “Being private hire I have to wait until someone contacts us.

“We are constantly asked by new clients why there is a lack of wheelchair accessible taxis in Perth and we explained the caps in place.”

At a licensing committee meeting in May 2018 it was agreed the cap on the number of taxis should remain in place.

Yesterday, Mr McIntosh said he discovered through a Freedom of Informatio­n request that only six taxis in Perth were wheelchair accessible.

According to a Transport Scotland survey in 2019, just 10 out of a total of 107 taxi vehicles in Perth and Kinross were wheelchair accessible.

However, a motion put by convener Conservati­ve councillor Chris Ahern to refuse the McIntoshes a taxi licence was approved.

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