The Courier & Advertiser (Fife Edition)

Courier man an authority on town’ s life


Laurie Rogers, former Courier reporter and one of Forfar’s most prominent citizens, has died aged 93.

He was head of the newspaper’s Forfar office from 1966 to 1994 following spells in Arbroath and Montrose.

Laurie’s influence and legacy went well beyond the news pages. He was deeply involved in many community activities and wrote books on walking routes and military history.

His sociable personalit­y endeared him to generation­s of Forfarians and he worked tirelessly to reflect what was happening in the community in a warm and engaging manner.

Graham Brown, one of The Courier’s most senior reporters, who worked closely with Laurie, said: “I count myself among those who consider him unrivalled as a mentor and friend. In Forfar, Laurie knew everyone and everyone knew him.”

Laurence Rogers was born in September 1928 in Glenglassa­ugh, Banffshire, in the manager’s house of a distillery while his father taught music at schools in the area.

He began his education at Inverurie and completed it at Inverness Academy.

During national service he became a sergeant in the Army Educationa­l Corps.

He was posted to the Canal Zone in Egypt.

When he returned to civilian life, Laurie began work on a weekly newspaper in Inverness before joining Courier publishers DC Thomson.

His early years with the company were spent first in Arbroath then Montrose.

As he worked most evenings, he often had time off in the afternoon. It was long enough for a game of tennis, how he met his future wife, Margaret.

The couple wed in October 1962 and had two sons, Mark and Graeme. Laurie moved to The Courier’s Forfar office in 1966.

After Mark and Graeme had left for university,

Laurie and Margaret travelled widely

He was a member of Forfar Rotary Club and latterly the Probus Club.

In his retirement he wrote a 30th anniversar­y book about Forfar Guide Dog Centre and also compiled a book of historic walks around Forfar which he and Margaret tramped out together.

Laurie maintained a keen interest in military and local history.

Forfar Athletic’s David McGregor said that during the 1970s, Laurie ghost wrote the manager’s comments for the club programmes.

He said: “Laurie, an adopted Forfarian, was a well-known figure around the town, a great raconteur with a vast knowledge on many subjects both local, national and otherwise.

“It was simply always a pleasure to be in his company.”

Graham added: “Laurie Rogers may not have been town born, but in every sense he was the grandest of Farfar loons.”

 ?? ?? PROMINENT: Laurie Rogers was dedicated to his job at The Courier and to Forfar.
PROMINENT: Laurie Rogers was dedicated to his job at The Courier and to Forfar.

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