The Courier & Advertiser (Fife Edition)

Our young people deserve a say now


Sir, – I can agree with Robert I G Scott (Letters, June 25) on one thing and one thing only. It is time to enact the will of the people.

However, democracy is not a one-off event, and recent elections have returned a pro-independen­ce majority. The right to hold another referendum was specifical­ly in the SNP and Green manifestos.

I don’t know in which world Mr Scott lives when he says that nothing has changed since 2014. Has he not seen the devastatio­n to virtually every sector of Scotland’s economy as a result of Brexit, whether it be farming, fishing, tourism or otherwise?

Our young people no longer have access to the Erasmus educationa­l exchange scheme.

Since 2014, it is estimated that there are now one million young people who are old enough to vote for a say in their future, but who weren’t in 2014. They can clearly see that the UK Government is doing such a great job (irony alert!) with the lowest growth of G7 countries, highest inflation rate and the pound plummeting against the dollar and euro.

Given the choice of that or the prospect of being a citizen of an open, small, modern, inclusive, civic, fair, progressiv­e and internatio­nalist, resourceri­ch European country, where they will have a voice, I think I know which way the majority will vote.

They can only look on at the shenanigan­s going on down at Westminste­r, where power privilege and patronage is the order of the day, and honour and decency have gone.

Mr Scott also forgets, or doesn’t know, that the Smith Commission specifical­ly says: “It is agreed that nothing in this report prevents Scotland becoming an independen­t country in the future should the people of Scotland so choose.”

That is what democracy is all about, and the people of Scotland are sovereign (as recently reconfirme­d by the Claim of Right).

George Dickson. Lynedoch Road, Scone.

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