The Courier & Advertiser (Fife Edition)

Family goes distance to hail NHS care for twins


APerthshir­e family is preparing to hike, run, swim and cycle across Scotland celebratin­g the first birthday of twins who were born so early they couldn’t have their first hug together for weeks.

The Coffey family from Crieff were moved by the great NHS care that Campbell and Hamish had when they were born at just 28 weeks.

And now the twins’ mum, dad, granny, grandad and squad of aunties and uncles are giving back to Simpsons Special Care Baby Charity – helping neonatal units across Scotland.

The twins’ dad Jamie Coffey, a physio with Scottish rugby, and mum Emma say they’ll never forget the support the boys had after being born weighing just 2lbs each.

So the family have organised an epic five-day cross-Scotland fundraiser.

Emma, also mum to three-year-old Ruaridh, explains: “Although twins come early, and you’re monitored in pregnancy, there’s a big difference between them coming at, say, 36 weeks and 28. That’s when Campbell and Hamish were born.”

The twins’ birth was traumatic for Emma, who was on her own due to Jamie self-isolating at his parents’ home.

“I was getting breakfast for Ruaridh and something didn’t feel right so I followed the steps my midwife advised. And an ambulance was immediatel­y dispatched. I’ve never felt fear like it.”

Emma was rushed to hospital and the boys were born by emergency C-section, on June 27, weighing only 1090g and 1070g each. They needed immediate emergency care before being transferre­d to the Simpsons neonatal unit at Edinburgh Royal Infirmary.

“While many parents have their babies, go home and then talk about how little sleep they’re getting, we were talking about our babies in incubators being ventilated,” Emma continues.

“We were talking about whether they were breathing on their own or how much air flow they were getting. That part was completely unnatural for any parent.”

Campbell and Hamish had to be treated like they were still in the womb for the first two months. Dad Jamie went in to read chapters of Harry Potter to them every day.

“Their progress was a constant worry and Campbell had some health problems,” says Emma. “But we’ll never forget the first time we got to hold them. I held them both together on August 1, which was wonderful.”

Jamie says that while the last year has undoubtedl­y been tough at times, he’s so grateful for the love and support the family has had.

“I couldn’t see the babies or support Emma after they were born. It was awful, a very tough five days.

“The worst part was not knowing if I’d see them at all, as they were so unwell. We didn’t know if they’d pull through.

“But the Simpsons baby charity funds an online and photo sharing platform, which meant I could see them via my iPad.

“And so it was emotional when my parents and siblings came up with this idea of a family relay across Scotland – to support the charity which means so much to us.

“We’re so fortunate, the babies are doing well now and passed their recent assessment with flying colours.

“And so we’re ready to take on the challenge of 450 miles, hoping to start on July 16.”

The Coffey siblings – Jamie, 35, Andrew, 33, Lisa, 32, Emily, 28, Rebecca, 25, Robbie, 21, along with their partners and friend Marcus, 28 – will hike, run, swim and cycle from Gretna to John O’ Groats over 10 days.

Jamie is doing most of the challenge while Emma is focusing on the 50km run. Granny Shona and Grandad Edward will take on the West Highland Way leg of the trip.

 ?? ?? JOURNEY: Jamie and Emma Coffey with twins Campbell and Hamish, who have just celebrated their first birthday, and oldest son Ruaridh, three.
JOURNEY: Jamie and Emma Coffey with twins Campbell and Hamish, who have just celebrated their first birthday, and oldest son Ruaridh, three.

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