The Courier & Advertiser (Perth and Perthshire Edition)

Barking mad


“After complaints about dogs barking and other nuisances caused by pets, Angus Council recently decided against placing restrictio­ns on pet owners,” writes a Craigie regular. “It had been proposed that households be restricted to one dog or cat each.

“Changed days! I was brought up in Dundee’s Glens council estate in the 1930s, 40s and 50s and we had a dog, bought by my parents for my handicappe­d sister.

“Neighbours complained in a petition to the council and my father had to have the dog destroyed. The rule then was no pets at all allowed in Dundee’s council houses.

“The council turned a blind eye to the large number of pets actually kept by tenants, but it needed only a complaint to have the council demand that the pet be removed.

“Rules for council tenants then were strict and enforced. Another rule insisted that tenants keep their gardens in order.

“Now it seems from what I see in our towns and in television documentar­ies that either councils have no powers to control tenants or do not choose to use them.

“Owners of dogs who cause a noise nuisance by barking excessivel­y should be first warned, then, if they take no heed, they should be threatened with eviction or court action unless they comply forthwith.”

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