The Courier & Advertiser (Perth and Perthshire Edition)



100 years ago

The King returned to Buckingham Palace after paying a visit to the whole of the Grand Fleet, and His Majesty sent the following message to Admiral Sir David Beatty: “I wish to congratula­te you and the Grand Fleet on the high standard of preparedne­ss I found on coming among you. Never has the British Navy stood higher in the estimation of friend or foe. You can assure all ranks and ratings under your command that their brothers throughout the Empire rely upon them with pride and confidence.”

50 years ago

Jagger, lead singer of the Rolling Stones, was found guilty at Chichester of being in possession of tablets containing amphetamin­e sulphate and methylamph­etamine hydrochlor­ide on February 12. The jury returned their verdict after Judge Block ruled there was no defence to the charge. Jagger (23) , described as “an entertaine­r” was remanded in custody until the end of the hearing. About 50 people, including teenagers, waited at the exit of the court in the hope of seeing Jagger.

25 years ago

Militant French farmers blockaded the Euro Disneyland amusement park, trapping thousands of tired tourists in their cars in the latest protest against European Community farm subsidies. The protest blocked cars and buses from entering the park throughout the morning. The farmers withdrew at 1pm after seeing they had made the top of the lunchtime news. No violence was reported. The vehicles started backing up shortly when 300 tractors were driven across the main entrance.

One year ago

Pupils past and present met for one final time to say goodbye to their beloved school. Ex-students from soon-to-close Menzieshil­l High were shown round by current pupils and staff as part of a celebrator­y event commemorat­ing the school. The school is due to close for the final time at the end of this week after serving the area for 45 years. Yesterday, the last of three fully-subscribed tours was attended by dozens of Dundonians. Former staff and pupils listened to discussion­s on the school’s history.

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