The Courier & Advertiser (Perth and Perthshire Edition)

Lively trading at Stirling


Caledonian Marts Ltd sold 754 prime lambs, ewes and tups yesterday. Spring lambs (500) sold to £124 from Nochnary, Freuchie, for a 58kg Texel. Overall average £94.59 (+2.50 on the week). Top price per kilo went to Ayton, Abernethy at 264ppkg for a pair of 42 kilo Texels. Overall ave 223.2ppkg (-4.5p on the week). Leading prices: Lambs pounds per head – Texel £118 Wairds of Alpity, Texel X £117 Allanview, Cont £114 Dechmont, Suff £111 Linnhead, Suff X £111 Ayton and Bankhead, Beltex £109 Meikle Seggie, Beltex X £108 Er Ochtermuth­ill. Also forward were 254 cast ewes and tups. Heavy ewes (57) ave £69.69 selling to £125 for a Texel from Allanview, Braco. Export ewes (123) ave £53.86. Other leading prices: Texel £94 Allanview, £90 Faulds; BF £62.50 Drummond Estates, £61 Morenish; Suff £79 Gilmeadowl­and, £64 and £63 Mosshead; Chev £72 Coulshill, £68 Durieshill; Mule £70 Carriston, £68 Nether Strathkine­ss; Cross £87.50 Dechmont, £84 Faulds. Tups sold to £96 for a Texel from West Mains, Gleneagles. Caledonian Marts Ltd had forward 212 store cattle. Bullocks ave £905 selling to £1,200 for a pen of Shorthorn x from Ardgate, Gartocharn. Heifers ave £850, selling to £1,150 for a pen of Charolais from Woodcockfa­ulds, Denny. Bulls ave £588, selling to £1,080 for a Simmental from Kincaple Farms, St Andrews. Black and whites ave £715 selling to £780 from West Kirkland, Newton Stewart. Bullocks per head £1,150 Ardgate; £1,140 Graystale. Heifers per head £1,140 Woodcockfa­ulds, £1,060 Glenside. Bulls £1,010 Newhall, £810 Alton.

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