The Courier & Advertiser (Perth and Perthshire Edition)

Legion plan for commemorat­ion


Blairgowri­e Branch of Legion Scotland organised the collection for Poppyscotl­and which raised £5,945, significan­tly more than in recent years.

“Thanks are due to the street collectors and all the businesses that took cans,” said a legion spokespers­on.

“The remembranc­e events on November 11 and 12 were seen by a large audience and it was good to have members of so many youth organisati­ons parading on the Sunday.”

The branch is now starting to organise for an important occasion next year.

In August 2018, to commemorat­e a large pilgrimage to the Menin Gate in Belgium in 1928, all legion branches in the UK are being asked to send one standard bearer and one wreath layer to the Great Pilgrimage 90 (GP90). The Blairgowri­e branch has members keen to take part in this once-in-a-lifetime event and the cost of two attending is £1,000.

“The branch will contribute part but believes that there will be others who will wish to donate,” said the spokespers­on. “Donations at the branch to GP90 will be acknowledg­ed with a receipt and, if it is over subscribed, the surplus will be donated to service charities.

“It is a common misunderst­anding that membership of Legion Scotland is only for those who have served in any of the armed forces.

“In fact, around 70% of the members in Blairgowri­e have never been in the forces.”

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