The Courier & Advertiser (Perth and Perthshire Edition)



100 years ago

Submitting his 26th annual report on statistics to Kirkcaldy Establishe­d Church Presbytery yesterday, Rev. D.L. Francis, Raith Church, Kirkcaldy, said the quod sacra ministers were not being too well dealt with in regard to stipend. There were men in their churches, he proceeded, who were on the verge of starvation. It was a disgrace to the Church of Scotland that there should be any men receiving only £200 a year. However, people were beginning to understand this and were contributi­ng to an increase.

50 years ago

One hundred and forty families in the North East of England are to be given two types of pork chops next autumn to test the product of nearly two years research by a Newcastle University team. The team has been crossing Belgian Pietrain boars– known for their particular­ly lean meat – with ordinary English pigs to compare the meat with that from Yorkshire Large White boars, the main breed in Britain. The chops will be compared by housewives who will not know which is which.

25 years ago

Perth and Kinross MP Sir Nicholas Fairbairn died yesterday and the loss could not have come at a worse time for the Government. In the Conservati­ve heartlands of the south of England they have seen majorities of tens of thousands evaporate in the heat of by-elections and, judging by these standards, Sir Nicky’s lead of 2,094 over the SNP looks decidedly shaky. The death of Sir Nicholas has rekindled Scottish politics with a by-election battle which will give the SNP high hopes of victory.

One year ago

Dundee City Council’s leader has hit back at critics who say the local authority is not doing enough to attract jobs to the city. John Alexander claimed a multi-million-pound investment into the Port of Dundee, announced yesterday by metal recycling firm John Lawrie, confirms the hard work the council is doing behind the scenes. He said: “We’ve had our fair share of bad news recently but this is proof of our collective attempts to generate investment­s and jobs. “Until we land it, we don’t talk about it... for obvious reasons.”

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