The Courier & Advertiser (Perth and Perthshire Edition)

Serial domestic abuser’s threat to kill partner in ‘Valentine’s Day’ attack

Woman tried to take her own life with overdose after pursuit by assailant

- GORDON CURRIE Brian Smith has 10 conviction­s for domestic attacks.

A domestic-abuse victim tried to take her own life as she was attacked by her partner for the 11th time following a row on Valentine’s Day.

The woman believed Brian Smith, 46, was going to kill her during the brutal and sustained attack as he throttled her and restricted her breathing.

She managed to briefly get away from him and locked herself in the bathroom where she took an overdose of pills, Dundee Sheriff Court heard.

Unrepentan­t Smith, who admitted 10 previous conviction­s for domestic attacks over a seven-year period, said he would kill her.

Even after his arrest, he told police: “She better move, because as soon as

I get out of here I’m going to get her. I swear to God she’s getting it.”

Fiscal depute Eilidh Robertson asked the court to grant a lengthy nonharassm­ent order against Smith in a bid to keep him away from his victim for a decade.

On February 14, Valentine’s Day, they had an argument because she believed he was still in a relationsh­ip with someone else.

Ms Robertson said: “The argument continued into the following day.

“She went to the bathroom and he came after her and grabbed her by the throat.

“She described him as choking her with his left hand. She was extremely afraid, shocked, and believed he was going to kill her.

“He let go and she went down the stairs where the argument continued. He told her he was going to smash her head in. She was frightened, so she went into the bathroom, locked the door and took an overdose of tablets.”

When the woman came out, Smith again attacked her by pinning his knees on her chest and again throttling her so she struggled to breathe.

An ambulance was called for her and she was taken to Ninewells hospital in Dundee where she spent two days recovering.

Smith, of Glenmoy Place, Arbroath, admitted engaging in a course of domestic violence against the woman, both in Arbroath and Dundee, between February 15 and March 8 this year.

Sheriff Lorna Drummond deferred sentence on Smith for the preparatio­n of reports.

The sheriff will consider the nonharassm­ent order at that stage.

Smith was remanded in custody.

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