The Courier & Advertiser (Perth and Perthshire Edition)

Driving a wedge with Covid-19


Sir, – The Scottish and Welsh assemblies are easing lockdown much more slowly than is the case in England.

Both Nicola Sturgeon and her Welsh counterpar­t, Mark Drakeford, claim to be following the science.

With the World Health Organisati­on and many other scientists including many in Scotland stating that one metre distancing is safe, it would appear the Scottish and Welsh assemblies are choosing which advice to follow.

Every day in lockdown creates more economic damage, more companies won’t ever return, and more jobs will be irretrieva­bly lost.

Wales performs significan­tly worse than the rest of the UK and Andrew Wilson, an economic adviser to Nicola Sturgeon and author of the Growth Commission’s report on the economic future of Scotland as an independen­t country, warned Scotland could be the worst performing country in the developed world after Covid-19.

It is hard to escape the conclusion that nationalis­t politician­s are using Covid-19 as a way to drive a wedge between themselves and England.

Both have already demanded an extension to the furlough system in the knowledge that this will be rejected, giving them a grievance to blame Westminste­r for and to step up the clamour for independen­ce.

Both economies are going to suffer very badly as a result of lockdown and the longer it goes on the worse it will get.

Both Drakeford and Sturgeon are playing a very dangerous game of Russian roulette with thousands of Scottish and Welsh businesses involving millions of jobs.

It is time for both to put politics on hold, try to behave in a statesmanl­ike manner and put their countries’ businesses, jobs and the economies before partisan ambitions. Donald Lewis. Beech Hill, Gifford.

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