The Courier & Advertiser (Perth and Perthshire Edition)

Do’s and don’ts of social media PARENTS SHOULD ENSURE CHILDREN:

Here are some of Parenting Across Scotland’s top tips for promoting online safety.


Make life online part of family life. It’s easier to chat with your child about online safety, and keep an eye on what they’re doing, if using the internet is a normal part of home life. To help with this:

• Make space for them to use their devices in family areas.

• Get them to teach you how to use technology.

• Talk about what they do online and their favourite websites.

• Play online games together.

• Use the internet to explore shared interests together.

• Agree rules about time spent online.

• Talk with them about keeping safe online.


• Give out personal informatio­n (e.g. real name, email or home address, their school)

• Share any photos, videos or posts they would be embarrasse­d for you or strangers to see

• Meet up with someone they have met online without a parent/carer

• Click on a link or download anything suspicious or sent by someone they don’t trust

• Know that if anything is making them feel uncomforta­ble or worried, they can tell you, or another trusted adult, without getting into trouble.

• Use privacy settings and passwords on networking sites such as Facebook and Instagram and are encouraged to only allow friends to see their online activity.

• Know to report abuse or block ‘friends’ they no longer want contact with.


• Create strong passwords for their family’s devices, websites and social networking sites and change them regularly.

• Set up parental controls which can stop children accessing material such as pornograph­y and limit time spent on devices.

• Get to know about social networks such as Whatsapp and Snapchat.

The Parenting Across Scotland website also has links to informatio­n about other online perils, including cyberbully­ing, pornograph­y, grooming and selfharm and pro-eating disorder websites.

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