The Courier & Advertiser (Perth and Perthshire Edition)

Business as usual for this corrupt cesspit


Sir, – For some time now these islands have been behaving more like Little Britain than Great Britain.

We’ve seen politician­s who are out of touch with reality persisting with vanity projects such as a £900,000 aeroplane paint job and a minister flying to Australia for a meeting in a private jet costing the taxpayer £500,000.

They act as if the United Kingdom is still some influentia­l colonial power when the truth is that the country’s credit card has been maxed out by their totally irresponsi­ble conduct.

We have more millionair­es in this Cabinet than at any time in our history. These pretentiou­s hooray Henrys care not a jot about all the people struggling to keep their heads above water.

We’ve witnessed at first hand lies, illegality, corruption and “gates” too numerous to mention.

Of course, according to the government, it is all because of Covid and Ukraine and they say none of it has been caused by Brexit (despite employers estimating that it now costs an extra £800 for every single lorry which crosses the Channel).

We’ve got many delayed and over-budget projects such as Crossrail, House of Commons refurbishm­ent, London sewers and HS2 costing many billions of pounds that we cannot afford. There is also a failed track and trace project costing £39,000,000,000 where no heads have rolled.

A discredite­d cabinet led by a discredite­d prime minister who have just seen the number of Tory councillor­s shrink by an incredible 500 would surely ring alarm bells with some in government you would think.

But no – it is business as usual for this corrupt cesspit where a select few get richer and the rest of us struggle with shortages caused by Brexit, together with increased energy and fuel bills.

To cap it all, a minister who claims £196,000 per annum in expenses alone tells us we should buy value brands in the supermarke­ts to get by. You couldn’t make it up.

The time has come – Scotland and it’s people can do much, much better than this. Stewart Falconer. Glenisla View,


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